95 years ago, after succeeding our glorious national independence struggle, it was the time for eco nomical progression and development. Also in this field, courageous steps had already been taken with the same stability. Although the country was poor and all the conditions were deficient, future plans were made, important economical decisions were given and the primary principles had been set. Today we have much better conditions in many aspects, so our responsibilities have increased for moving forward.
We should focus on the target of continious development of Turkey by providing the main needs of our national economy while securing our republic's foundamentals.
Being a beneficial institution to the country depends on developing a powerful corporate identity. A powerful identity's must is to progress with your main truth.
Primarily, we have to do what is true, and we have to do it in the right way. When you achieve the "Quality in service & quality continuity "understanding with a disiplined, hardworking and productive team,it is obvious that you are in the right way without any doubt.
Within the 30 years ,from beginning to the formation of our group of companies we have never forgotten "quality & continuity" concepts. In our works our password is the quality , and the sign of our quality is the continuity. We started our business life with the target of making quality lives. Later,except our main production principles, we have changed and developed. Today ,with our services in our five fields of businesses, we are trying to contribute our country to reach and pass the contemporary civilization level. We are not only proud of our products, moreover we are proud of our truths and understanding. We believe that continuity in quality depends on transmitting our truths to the future.
We believe, there is too much work to be done for the Etkin Group of Companies and for our country. We know that we are going to pass through a long period in which, there is no permision for a time loss, unplanned works and irregular manners. I believe from the heart that we are ready to face all this and I would like to thank for all our employees, partners and customers who are working for the success of Etkin Group of Companies.
Best Regards,

Being a respectable, preferred trademark by making innovations and creations in our field of activity.
Without comprimising quality; producing green, innovative, creative services based on customer satisfaction.